Nikola Tesla The genius who lit the World

“Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs: the future, for which I have worked, is mine”. These amazing words were said by one of the genius scientists, whose name was Nikola Tesla. He was one of those scientists, who worked for both the present and the future. When it comes to Tesla’s inventions or ideas, he has had a significant impact on the current world. He was a great visionary who has contributed to shaping the future of technology. He developed the alternating electrical current system (AC) and Wireless Technology, which are the most usable inventions of modern Society.

Nikola Tesla The genius who lit the World

The use of wireless technology and AC is increasing day by day. Tesla dedicated his whole life to Science, Technology, and the goodness of human beings. He is not as much as famous as other scientists. Most people only heard his name, and only a few know about Tesla. Because we have read about other scientists in our textbooks. Tesla was hired by Thomas Alva Edison to work on Edison’s DC (Direct Current). Tesla was soon sure that the AC system was far better than DC. He left Edison, to develop his own AC System. He always forgot to patent his ideas, and that is why people easily used his ideas and inventions.

 Tesla’s Life & Education:

Tesla was a brilliant scientist, electrical and mechanical engineer, and physicist, precisely known as the father of Modern Electrical Current (AC) and Wireless Transmission. He was born on 10 July 1856 in the Austrian Empire now known as Croatia. Tesla’s father Milutin Tesla was an orthodox priest. Tesla’s mother, Georgina Duka Tesla, never got a formal education, but she had an eidetic Memory. His parents had four children in total, including him. Tesla never married. A super amazing fact about Tesla is that he was born on a night of a thunderstorm, and became the source of enlightening the entire world. (The Great Man Who Lit the World).

Tesla has an eidetic memory that was transmitted to him by his mother. He was a genius student and could easily solve difficult sums of maths. Tesla finished four years of schooling in three years. He studied electrical engineering (study about AC) at the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz. Unfortunately, he didn’t receive any degrees and left his third year.

 Tesla’s Career and Invention:

Tesla developed, designed, and discovered numerous Inventions. The most worthy Invention of Tesla is the Tesla coil (Which could transmit electricity wirelessly), and hydroelectricity (Build a hydroelectric plant in Niagara Falls to harness the energy of the water flow). Several other notable inventions include the radio, wireless communication, induction motor, Tesla turbine, radar technology, X-ray technology, remote control, and most famous and important Invention AC (Alternating current) now helping to electrify all over the world.

Tesla said that the future is mine; he also proved that. Most recently, a company called Tesla was formed, and the company is using Tesla’s AC (Alternating current) invention to make cars. Tesla believed that AI and robots were the future of technology, and he made some early contributions to the field of AI and developed some early prototypes of robots.

Today, Everyone is reliant on artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT is currently one of the most renowned and usable programs on the globe.

The super Life-Changing lesson learned from Tesla’s Life:

There are some amazing lessons that everyone must learn from Tesla’s life.

Mostly, geniuses like solitude:

Tesla was a man who didn’t enjoy being around others. He doesn’t like to waste his time with people; Tesla’s sole purpose is to work on his ideas. He once said, “Be alone; that is the secret of invention; be alone; that is when ideas are born.” It is a fact that when you are alone, most of the ideas come to you. Being alone is the key to knowing yourself very well. Being in Solitude is not bad; it develops inner peace and lets you focus on your goals, thoughts, and ideas.

Money is not everything in life:

All the money you made could not bring back your life. One thing that remains is what you did for mankind. Tesla had no interest in getting rich. He was rich by heart. He cared about mankind and the world. His only aim was to make the world a better place to live for mankind. Whatever patents, he sold, he invested that money in discoveries. All that he did was for the sake of the goodness of mankind.

In this era, who doesn’t want to be rich? The man should be rich with money as well as from the heart.

Do what you like the Most:

Stop being afraid of rejection. Just move on and do what you like the most; people have rejected Tesla’s discovery and theory. Stole his ideas, and took his invention into his name. Tesla was never afraid to do something different and new. What others think and say—he didn’t care about that; he just cared about “I don’t care; they stole my ideas. I pity that they don’t have their own”. Every revolutionary idea has faced strong opposition. It’s a bitter reality. People don’t accept your ideas until you prove them right.

 Strong Believe:

As the saying goes, the world is built on hope. Tesla had a strong sense of self-belief; he saw many ups and downs in his life and never gave up. His elder brothers died when he was a Little boy, and he suffered from a deadly chronic disease at a young age. People cheated on him and used him for their benefit when he was at the peak of his career, and he had strong beliefs about himself and his ideas. One day, he will be successful. All this happened because of his strong beliefs. Whatever you believe, you become.

 Bottom Line:

One of the most brilliant minds that has ever been born in our history. Nikola Tesla was not only a genius Scientist, but he also had a distinctive and humble personality. One of Telsa’s best quotations:

“The individual is ephemeral; races and nations come and pass away, but man remains.” However, people indeed keep coming and going. One thing that remains in the world is the work, ability, skill, and morals of a man.

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