Abraham Lincoln The Most Influential President Of The US

Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest heroes whose name will always be remembered throughout American history. He was recognized as one of the most iconic leaders and influential Presidents. He was born on February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky, and became the 16th President of the United States and served from 1861 to 1865. Before joining politics, Lincoln honed his skills as a store clerk, surveyor, and lawyer.

Abraham Lincoln The Most Influential President Of The US

Lincoln‘s Education:

Lincoln grew up in a modest family with limited resources. He had only received a limited formal education and attended a few months of school in Kentucky and Indiana. However, this short period allowed him to learn the basics of reading and writing. He mostly relied on self-education and usually borrowed books. Nevertheless, his thirst for knowledge was insatiable. He enjoyed reading books on various of topics including history, law, philosophy, and science. Lincoln was able to use his self-education to become a lawyer and politician.

 Lincoln’s Political Journey:

Lincoln’s political career began in 1832 when he ran for the Illinois State Legislature, although he lost the race. However, Defeat didn’t discourage him, and he again participated in 1834, this time successfully winning a seat in the state legislature as a member of the Whig party. He served four consecutive terms in the legislature. In 1846, Lincoln was elected to the House of Representatives as a member of the Whig Party. After the demise of the Whig Party, Lincoln joined the newly formed Republican Party in 1854. Then, Lincoln ran for the U.S. Senate twice, in 1855 and 1858, but lost both times to Stephen Douglas. Lincoln possessed an extraordinary talent for delivering captivating speeches in public. Through his amazing speeches, he won the hearts of people. Due to this he quickly rose in popularity and became an important figure in the party. He campaigned on a platform of preserving the Union and abolishing slavery. In 1860, Lincoln got the nod to represent the Republican Party in the presidential race. He was victorious in the election, becoming the first president from the Republican party.

The Civil War (1861-1865) began after Lincoln became president and ended before he was assassinated. What Civil War is? The American Civil War, known as the War Between the States, The war was fought due to a disagreement over states’ rights and the issue of slavery. The northern states were in favor of ending slavery, whereas the southern states wanted to retain it.

However, he played a significant role in the conflict, issuing the Emancipation Proclamation which declared that all slaves in Confederate states were to be freed. Furthermore, he effectively commanded the Union forces to achieve victory, His exceptional leadership skills were critical in maintaining the Union and ultimately putting an end to slavery in the United States.

During his presidency, he effectively faced the challenges during the American Civil War, played an important role in emancipating slaves, and effectively worked towards maintaining the Union. Lincoln’s exceptional leadership skills, his unwavering commitment to preserving the Union, and his ability to navigate the complexities of wartime politics are what truly defined his legacy.

 Lincoln’s Life and Legacy:

Lincoln’s life was not only defined by his political accomplishments but also by his struggles and resilience. He endured the loss of his mother at a young age and experienced the deaths of three of his four sons. Throughout his tenure, Lincoln remained firmly committed to pursuing justice and equality, He is widely known for taking the initiative to abolish slavery in the United States.

Tragically, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865, in Washington, D.C, while attending a performance of the play Our American Cousin. His death was mourned throughout the nation and he was widely regarded as a martyr for the cause of freedom.

Apart from his notable political achievements here are some fascinating facts about Lincoln that showcase his remarkable character, intelligence, and enduring legacy. Let’s delve into some of these facts.

  • He was a self-taught lawyer who had no formal education.
  • Abraham Lincoln is one of four U.S. presidents featured on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The others are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches tall, and he holds the title of being the tallest president in US history.
  • He was the first U.S. president to have a beard.
  • Abraham Lincoln was well-known for his iconic top hat. The hat became a recognizable symbol of Lincoln himself. Sometimes he used to store important documents inside his hat.
  • Lincoln was known for his integrity and honesty. He earned the nickname “Honest Abe”.
  • Lincoln’s most notable contribution to American history was his role in the abolition of slavery.
  • He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Booth was a well-known actor and Confederate sympathizer who fatally shot Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.
  • The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln is renowned as one of the most iconic speeches in American history. He delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863, at the dedication ceremony of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. And it is regarded as a timeless piece of oratory.


Abraham Lincoln’s legacy continues to inspire and shape American society. Despite his humble beginnings and untimely death, Lincoln’s life was defined by perseverance, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to justice. His exceptional leadership during the Civil War and his strong dedication to equality and justice make him a timeless­­ and unforgettable figure in American history­.

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